Sondag 16 Maart 2014

tugas softskill 1

Name               :  Ahmad Sulaiman
Class                : 3EB06
NPM               : 28211102
I was bron at jakarta, 1 january 1993. I am last child from my family at list i just have one or the only one brother. Frist i want introduce my self, my name is Ahmad Sulaiman, i was bron at jakarta 21 years ago, now i study at gunadarma university dan i choise economy faculty acctuarly departement of accounting. My family isn’t rich but my parents tell me money it’s important to live but money isn’t anyting for me this good for my principle.
First i want explain why i chose accounting, at the moment want to list college i don’t think departement for my study and i just know accounting isn’t essay for all people but for me accounting is challenge, because why?  I want to be good accounting and  accountan public. Since i child i really want to accountan because i think this cool job and  funtastic job. Now i think again for accountan because accountan high risk and you have very much compotitor but which is good for me and at the time me study accounting i interest accounting of banking. Because banking have challenge for me and my brother work at banking, when my brother tell me about banking i feel can him want, i can get good job after i finished my study at gunadarma university. Banking one of the option for get good life and get knowledge, profitability for me.
I just want remembering you “clever but you arrogant nothing and clever isn’t talent but toil”