Sondag 25 Mei 2014

budaya betawi

Ondel-ondel adalah bentuk pertunjukan rakyat Betawi yang sering ditampilkan dalam pesta-pesta rakyat. Ondel-ondel memerankannenek moyang yang senantiasa menjaga anak cucunya atau penduduk suatu desa. Ondel-ondel yang berupa boneka besar itu tingginya sekitar 2,5 meter dengan garis tengah  80 cm, dibuat dari anyaman bambu yang disiapkan begitu rupa sehingga mudah dipikul dari dalamnya. Bagian wajah berupa topeng atau kedok, dengan rambut kepala dibuat dariijuk. Wajah ondel-ondel laki-laki biasanya dicat dengan warna merah, sedangkan yang perempuan warna putih. Bentuk pertunjukan ini banyak persamaannya dengan yang ada di beberapa daerah lain. Semula ondel-ondel berfungsi sebagai penolak bala atau gangguan roh halus yang gentayangan. Akhirakhir ini ondel-ondel biasanya digunakan untuk menambah semarak pesta- pesta rakyat atau untuk penyambutan tamu terhormat, misalnya pada peresmian gedung yang baru selesai dibangun. Betapapun derasnya arus modernisasi, ondel-ondel masih bertahan dan menjadi penghias wajah kota metropolitan Jakarta.


Società Sportiva Lazio yang lebih diketahui dengan nama lazio, klub bola yang berasal dari italia (roma). Klub ini didirikan pada tahun 1900. Pada saat ini lazio bermain di serie A (liga utama italia). Lazio sudah 2 kali menjuari liga italia, 5 piala italia dan 3 piala super eropa. Lazio juga memiliki musuh bebuyutan yaitu as roma dan pertandingan mereka sering disebut dalam Derby della Capitale.

Liverpool FC

Liverpool football club adalah salah satu peserta liga inggris (english primer league). Klub ini sering disebut juga dengan the reds. Liverpool dibentuk pada 15 maret 1892 (122 tahun). Liverpool adalah klub asal inggris yang paling banyak mendapatkan trofi liga champions UEFA sebanyak 5 kali dan hanya kalah dari real madrid dan ac milan masing-masing 10 dan 7. Liverpool juga menjuari liga eropa UEFA sebanyak 3 kali. Di inggris sendiri liverpool adalah klub kedua yang meraih gelar terbanyak setelah Manchester United yaitu 18 gelar, 7 piala FA dan piala liga. Lapangan yang digunaka untuk menggelar pertandingan adalah Anfield. Liverpool memiliki musuh bebuyutan yaitu Everton yang tidak lain adalah klub satu kota yang berasal dari satu kota yaitu Merseyside dan duel kedua klub dikenal dengan dengan Derby Merseyside, selain Everton ada juga Manchester United yang menjadi klub yang paling dibenci oleh para pendukung liverpool dan duel kedua klub sering disebut dengan “who the real reds”. Liverpool juga mempunyai lagu kebangsaan yang sering dinyanyikan oleh fans setiap liverpool bertanding yaitu "You'll Never Walk Alone".

tugas softskill 3

  -  Library
a.    You  are  supposed  to read  book for the exam tomorrow
b.   You aren't expected to read comic’s in the library
c.    We  are  allowed  to  borrow  book  in  here. (library)
d.    You aren't  allowed to  eat  in the library.
   - Tram
a.    You  are  supposed  to  buy  ticket  early if  you don’t want to queue
b.   You aren’t expected to sit on the tram if   other  passengers  who are pregnant  standing
c.    You are  allowed to  enjoy  the  trip  quickly  on the tram
d.    You are  aren’t  allowed  to ride the tram if you don’t buy a ticket
   - Museum
a.    You are  supposed  to  be  careful  in  here
b.   You aren’t expected to be Noisy in here
c.    You are  allowed  to take  picture in here
d.    You aren’t allowed  to  take  stuff  in  here
   - Restaurant
a.    You are  supposed  to be  friendly to the waiter
b.   You aren’t expected to blame the food in this restaurant
c.    You  are  allowed  to  request your order
d.    You aren’t allowed to  go before  paying  this  food
    -  Classroom
a.    You are supposed to come early if you don’t want to be late in the class
b.   You aren’t expected to homework in  the class
c.    You  are  allowed  to  ask if  you don’t understand the teacher
d.    You aren’t allowed to  leave the classroom without permission

Dinsdag 06 Mei 2014

tugas ke dua

I.                    In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an or the) if they are necessary. If no article is necessary, write Ø.
1.       Jason’s father bought him _____ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2.       _____ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from _____ France to _____ United States.
3.       Rita is studying _____ English and _____ math this semester.
4.       _____ judged asked ______ witness to tell the truth.
5.       Please give me _____ cup of _____  coffee with _____ cream and _____ sugar.
6.       _____ big books on _____ table are for my history class.
7.       When you go to _____ store, please buy _____ bottle of _____ chocolate milk and _____ dozen oranges.
8.       There are only_____ seats left for ______ tonight’s musical at ______ University.
9.       John and Mercy went to ____ school yesterday and then studied in _____ library before returning home.
10.   What did you eat for _____ breakfast this morning?
11.   Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays _____ guitar.
12.   While we were in _____ Alaska, we saw _____ Eskimo village.
13.   ____ chair that you are sitting is broken.
14.   On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed _____ Atlantic Ocean.
15.   Phil cannot go to ____ movies tonight because he has to write _____ essay.

II.                  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.
1.       This pen isn’t working. Please give me _______
2.       If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make ________ pot of coffee.
3.       This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me _________
4.       He doesn’t need those books. He needs ___________
5.       There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and ___________ are from ___________ countries.
6.       Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat. ___________ was looking at magazines. ___________ was eating a candy bar. ____________ were walking around looking for more food.
7.       This glass of milk is sour. __________ glass of milk is sour too.
8.       The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. ________ was marching; __________ was at attention; and _________ was practicing combat tactics.
9.       There are seven students from Japan. ____________ are from Iran, and _________ are from ___________ places.
10.   We looked at cars today. The first two we far too expensive, but _________ ones were reasonably priced.

Answer :
1. The
2. The - Ø - the
3. Ø - Ø
4. The - the
5. A - Ø - Ø - Ø
6. The - the
7. The - a - Ø - a
8. Ø - Ø - the
9. The - the
10. Ø

1. Another
2. Another
3. Another
4. Others
5. The others - other
6. Another - another - the others
7. The other
8. Another - another - another
9. Others - the others - other
10. The other

Complete Answer :
1. Jason’s father bought him thebicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2. TheStatue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from France to TheUnited States.
3. Rita is studyingEnglish and Math this semester.
4.  The judged asked the witness to tell the truth.
5. Please give me a cup ofcoffee withcream and sugar.
6. Thebig books on thetable are for my history class.
7. When you go to the store, please buy abottle of chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
8. There are onlyseats left fortonight’s musical at the University.
9. John and Mercy went to theschool yesterday and then studied in thelibrary before returning
10. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

                 1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me another.
 2. If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make anotherpot of coffee.
 3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me another.
 4. He doesn’t need those books. He needs others.
 5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and the othersare                             from othercountries.
6. Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat. Anotherwas looking at magazines.
Anotherwas eating a candy bar. The otherswere walking around looking for more food.
 7. This glass of milk is sour. The otherglass of milk is sour too.
 8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. Anotherwas
                        marching; anotherwas at attention; and anotherwas practicing combat tactics.
                9. There are seven students from Japan. Othersare from Iran, and the others are from
               10. We looked at cars today. The first two we far too expensive, but the otherones were
                        reasonably priced.